Aneesh Rai

Aneesh Rai

Assistant Professor, Management & Organization

University of Maryland, Robert H. Smith School of Business

About Me

I am an Assistant Professor of Management & Organization at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. I received my PhD in Operations, Information, and Decisions from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania.

My research is primarily focused on using insights from the judgment and decision-making literature to better understand what drives decisions to diversify organizations. Within this space, I examine how people’s perceptions of group diversity affect personnel selection decisions and influence how diverse organizations become. I also explore how the salience of diversity influences people’s decisions and leverage this knowledge to design interventions for organizations to increase their gender and racial diversity. Finally, my secondary research interest is using large-scale field experiments to test interventions to promote positive behavior change in organizations.

View my CV.

Recent Publications

(2024). Group Size and Its Impact on Diversity-Related Perceptions and Hiring Decisions in Homogeneous Groups. (Organization Science).


(2023). A Field Experiment on Subgoal Framing to Boost Volunteering: The Tradeoff between Goal Granularity and Flexibility. (Journal of Applied Psychology).


(2022). When seeking help, women and racial/ethnic minorities benefit from explicitly stating their identity. (Nature Human Behaviour).


(2021). Megastudies improve the impact of applied behavioural science. (Nature).


(2020). The Isolated Choice Effect and Its Implications for Gender Diversity in Organizations. (Management Science).

